A Place...

Friday, March 04, 2011
I felt so relieved when I realized that I still have a place to throw my thought or tantrums. This is the place. I could not afford to see any councellor or therapist.

Also, felt so fortunate that the existense of this place is not so obvious and the less people know about it the better I feel. Plus, I do not have any responsibility towards my readers or followers. So I can freely write about anything and anytime I like...

Thank you, bloggie!
posted by ayu at 3/04/2011, | 2 comments

Mungkin aku pernah merasakan cinta...

Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Makin di pikir makin stress...
Jadi jangan pikir, dong!

Otak tak boleh kontrol, kadang-kadang macam lintas terus dalam kepala...
Cepat-cepat ingat Allah kalau dah cam tu!

Alangkah cantik dan beruntungnya kalau boleh ingat Allah dan mati selalu macam tu, kan?
Hmmm...InsyaAllah saya cuba...

Faham ke saya nak citer pasal apa ni?
Tak kisah la tentang apa sekali pun, formulanya tetap sama. Jangan mendahului benda lain selain Allah.

Saya rasa saya hati batu la
Mungkin! Tambah lagi, degil juga!
posted by ayu at 3/02/2011, | 1 comments