Monday, February 20, 2006
..."ayu , aku mimpi best mlm tadi!" sahabat aku yg sorang ni memang kuat bermimpi. "mimpi apa? ceritalah!"...."aku mimpi aku kawin dgn S!"..apa yg bestnya pun aku pelik sedangkan dia tak suka dgn S. .. sedar aku buat muka pelik, dia menyambung.."aku kawin dgn S dan aku dapat lupakan A!".....Oh! jadi the best part of the dream ialah dia dapat melupakan lelaki dambaan jiwanya selama ini... aku tahu dia desperate nak lupakan A, jadi biarpun S yg menjadi galang ganti dia rela..."aku doakan the best part of your dream jadi nyata!" doa aku dgn ikhlas.....lama dia menanti cinta dari A, tapi A buat tak tahu....jalan terbaik adalah, lupakan A!...orang tak sudi, aku tak ingin!..."cakap memang senang, yang menanggungnya , aku !"...pernah dia mengadu kepada aku begitu..."tak apalah M, masa akan jadi saksi. kau akan dapat lupakan dia!".....
jadi, kes kawan aku tu; cinta atau obses?....kata HAMKA, hawa nafsu membawa kesesatan, dan tidak berpedoman, dan akal menjadi pedoman menuju keutamaan. Hawa nafsu menyuruh mengelamun, berangan-angan, tetapi akal menyuruh menimbang.
bukan aku selalu berangan-angan ayu, tapi;
anak haruan tidak terluang,
benang sutera di dlm buluh,
hendak buang tidak terbuang,
sudah mesra dalam tubuh.
iya, aku tahu M, tapi;
mari musa minum kopi,
kalau tak manis tambah gula,
jangan diturut kehendak hati,
kalau tak mati boleh jadi gila.
ayu, dengarlah;
suatu detik..ada rasa perit dan pahit di kalbu ku..
namun..aku tidak pasti, apakah seluruh hidupku akan berubah kerana rasa itu...
M, dengarlah;
berhenti berharap cinta dari A, TAPI,
jangan berhenti berusaha mencari cinta sejati...
ayu, apa erti cinta sejati?...
ketahuilah M;
rahsia cinta sejati bila agama dijunjung,
pasaknya iman,
ketetapan hanya pada Tuhan Rabbul Izzati..
posted by ayu at 2/20/2006, | 0 comments

Saturday, February 18, 2006

posted by ayu at 2/18/2006, | 0 comments

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
"A long time ago, there lived a child called Ling-ling who was a good artist. After her mother's death, her father's favourite concubine began to maltreat her by showing preference towards her own children. Ling-ling had no one to play with and spent her time painting. Her pictures became famous and were sold for many taels of silver. Her stepmother now grew jealous. One night, she crept up to Ling-ling's bed and stuck a dirty nail into the child's hand, spreading faeces on the nail to cause an infection.
" In few days, Ling-ling's hand became red and swollen. though the nail was removed, pus poured from the wound. However, Ling-ling continued to paint."
"Now, strange thing happened. The wound never healed, but Ling-ling's paintings became better and better. The more pus exuded, the greater beauty of her work. In the whole of China, there was nothing like it. The pain in her hand seemed to imbue Ling-ling with an essence of invincibility, enabling her to zhan er bi sheng, dou er bi ke ( prevail in every battle, overcome each diversity)
"The emperor himself heard of Ling-ling's masterpiece. She was summoned to the palace to paint the potrait of the crown prince. They fell in love and married. However, despite the administration of innumerable poultices prescribed by the best doctors in China, Ling-ling's woundwould not heal. She continued to paint superbly until her death at a ripe old age"...
**Quoting from Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah: The true story of Unwanted Chinese Daughter***this is my favourite novel, i'm gripping this book from beginning till the end***

posted by ayu at 2/15/2006, | 0 comments

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
The connection between Saint Valentine and this festival:
Saint Valentine is a name which is given to two of the ancient "martyrs" of the Christian Church. It was said that there were two of them, or that there was only one, who died in Rome as the result of the persecution of the Gothic leader Claudius, c. 296 CE. In 350 CE, a church was built in Rome on the site of the place where he died, to perpetuate his memory.When the Romans embraced Christianity, they continued to celebrate the Feast of Love mentioned above, but they changed it from the pagan concept of "spiritual love" to another concept known as the "martyrs of love", represented by Saint Valentine who had advocated love and peace, for which cause he was martyred, according to their claims.
It was also called the Feast of Lovers, and Saint Valentine was considered to be the patron saint of lovers.One of their false beliefs connected with this festival was that the names of girls who had reached marriageable age would be written on small rolls of paper and placed in a dish on a table. Then the young men who wanted to get married would be called, and each of them would pick a piece of paper. He would put himself at the service of the girl whose name he had drawn for one year, so that they could find out about one another. Then they would get married, or they would repeat the same process again on the day of the festival in the following year.The Christian clergy reacted against this tradition, which they considered to have a corrupting influence on the morals of young men and women.
It was abolished in Italy, where it had been well-known, then it was revived in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when in some western countries there appeared shops which sold small books called “Valentine’s books”, which contained love poems, from which the one who wanted to send a greeting to his sweetheart could choose. They also contained suggestions for writing love letters.The above quotation is excerpted, with slight modifications, from As regards the Islamic stance on this festival, Dr. Su`ad Ibrahim Salih, professor of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) at Al-Azhar University, states the following:
Indeed, Islam is the religion of altruism, true love, and cooperation on that which is good and righteous. We implore Allah Almighty to gather us together under the umbrella of His All-encompassing Mercy, and to unite us together as one man. Allah Almighty says: (The believers are naught else than brothers.
Therefore make peace between your brethren and observe your duty to Allah that haply ye may obtain mercy.) (Al-Hujurat 49: 10)Focusing more on the question in point, I can say that there are forms of expressing love that are religiously acceptable, while there are others that are not religiously acceptable. Among the forms of love that are religiously acceptable are those that include the love for Prophets and Messengers. It stands to reason that the love for Allah, and His Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) should have the top priority over all other forms of love.Islam does recognize happy occasions that bring people closer to one another, and add spice to their lives. However, Islam goes against blindly imitating the West regarding a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day. Hence, commemorating that special day known as the Valentine’s Day is an innovation or bid`ah that has no religious backing. Every innovation of that kind is rejected, as far as Islam is concerned.
Islam requires all Muslims to love one another all over the whole year, and reducing the whole year to a single day is totally rejected.Hence, we Muslims ought not to follow in the footsteps of such innovations and superstitions that are common in what is known as the Valentine’s Day. No doubt that there are many irreligious practices that occur on that day, and those practices are capable of dissuading people from the true meanings of love and altruism to the extent that the celebration is reduced to a moral decline.
.....dalam kekalutan dunia Islam menentang karikatur Nabi Muhammad kita diuji lagi sekali dgn Valentine's Day...kita marah bila orang kafir laknat menghina nabi, tapi kita sambut valentine...selectively practice of Islam, i think! yeah, maybe kita kata"tak taksub, just bagi hadiah", itu bukan celebrate ke?frankly, aku mmg tak penah sambut ke celebrate ke.....memang tak penah pung!tetiap hari adalah hari kasih sayang.....yang layak menerima kasih sayang kita adalah orang yg byk berjasa pada kita...siapa? mak ayah kita!!!.....korang ada bagi hadiah kat mak ayah korang lately? at least, call? ada? cakap" tima kacih mak ayah, minta maaf kalau ada buat silap" ...jgn tunggu hari raya baru nak hulur tangan!!!
....ayu dah start membebel dah!!!! jadi better to stop sblm korang menyampah dgn blog aku!
posted by ayu at 2/14/2006, | 0 comments

Monday, February 13, 2006
.."adat muda menanggung rindu, adat tua menanggung ragam.."
iya, aku kerinduan sekarang! rindu pada seorang kawan yg dah lama tak hang out, which we usually did before!...rindu dgn kau Ima....kami dekat selang beberapa bilik, tapi rasa jauh!

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sangat rindu pada adik bongsu aku..haikal firdaus...

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inilah HAIKAL in the house...umur dia 1 tahun 7 bulan!!!...tak percaya? mak aku baru 45tahun la....ayah aku 53 tahun.....rindu sangat dgn dia...geram dgn aksi dia yg suka tiru apa yg orang buat!!! mak kejut aku bangun pagi, dia pun menyibuk(adik aku bangun awal dari aku?...malu sey!)....dgn nada pelat dia" Ayong, Ayong! angun! ayang!(Yong, bangun sembahyang!!!)........sekarang dah pandai pangggil aku Ayu pulak dah!! ni adik2 aku yg lain la yg ajar dia ni!!....

umur tak sampai 2 tahun, tapi punyalah bijak bercakap....dia paling suka dengan kucing, ikan, lembu, kambing,itik ,ayam dan segala jenis binatang yg ada kat kg tu....pas tu suka tengok Animal Planet sambil pegang remote.....ish! kacau daun tul la, aku nak tengok CSI ni.....klau kat chanel tu tak de citer yg best, dia amik pulak picture dictionary( yg dah koyak rabak di buatnya!), panggil mana2 kakak2 yg ada dekat dgn dia and ajak tengok gambar binatang kat dictionary tu!!!!arrgh!adik oooi, Yong dah tahu dah itu kucing ke harimau ke, cicak ke....dia tak sebut nama binatang tu, dia buat bunyi jer!!! kelakar abis......

rindu pada sakura malaysia!

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semester ni sakura aku ni belum ada tanda2 nak kembang lagi! hijau daunnya yg aku lihat di sebalik tingkap.....tentu berseri bila dah berbunga nanti.....tak sabar nak amik gambar kat bawah pokok sakura tu dan mungkin sekali sekali aku menguis bunga sakura yg jatuh di atas tudung kepala ku.....aku rindu semuanya!!!

posted by ayu at 2/13/2006, | 0 comments

"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"- Graffiti

Monday, February 06, 2006
I was tagged by Uni to do this....lelaki idaman, something about that!!...well guys, this is my lelaki idaman....hopefully still available!!hehhe....

1. BERIMAN- beriman kpd ALLAH, supaya dpt membina baiti jannati...menyintai Rasulullah, supaya dapat buat bed time stories tentang baginda kpd anak2 kami...(poyo)

PENYAYANG - sayangkan keluarga dia, keluarga aku dan aku

3. SIHAT- no smoking area Ayu, ye!

4. BEKERJA- tugas seorang lelaki adalah menjadi "lelaki".

5. PANDAI- at least he know maths. i am maths illiterate.nanti hidup kena tipu klu laki bini bodoh maths.

6. KELAKAR- sama mcm ciri lelaki idaman CT lah pulak...well, laughter is the medicine kan?

7. ORG KAMPUNG- bagi aku sgt penting ciri ni...manalah tau ayah aku mintak tolong kutip getah skrap, dia pulak buat muka.....(not necessarily org kg aku, kg lain pun boleh jer!)

8. RUPA - rupa paras yg aku berkenan. tak mo yg putih melepak, yg gemuk(walaupun aku tembam sket), yg botak(tak botak sgt mcm Mawi tu oklah), yg ada bulu dada(eee!), yg byk jerawat,yg busuk, yg gatal nak mampos!

....mak oooi cerewetnya makcik what?nak hidup dgn seorang lelaki seumur hidup kan? kena materialistik sket.....macam yg Uni kata, itu pasal la aku ni "sendiri " lagi....lebih baik sendiri dari sakit hati ,kan!....

mak aku penah kata" biar sakit dimata, jgn sakit di hati".....

semua pompuan nak suami soleh, kan! kata Saidatina Fatimah "wanita solehah adalah wanita yg tidak suka memandang dan dipandang"....

"manusia Hawa dijadikan drpd rusuk manusia Adam, bukan dari kepalanya utk dijadikan atasnya, bukan dari kakinya utk dijadikan alasnya, melainkan dari sisinya utk dijadikan teman hidupnya, dekat pada tanagnnya utk dilindungi, dekat dgn hatinya utk disayangi"
-maksud Hadis-
posted by ayu at 2/06/2006, | 0 comments