Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hari ni seluruh uitm se malaysia mengundi nak pilih MPP.......rasanya this year meriah sket kot makna 'mengundi' for my faculty...eheeheh,sebelum ni statistic shown that only 40% students yg mengundi, this time our aim is,lecturers are required to finish the class earlier to let the students to vote..yeehaaa!!
....suppose law school lebih aware to vote,but history tells everything!!! Ada MPP yg hampeh nak wat pe? baik tak yah undi, mengabih kan beras je!!!! cantiknya bahasa!!biarlah hanya law school je tau apa yg jadi dgn previous MPP(currently), hopefully future MPP do better, at least not give shame to faculty!!!!
en.nazim said "during my time, even pak guard check our locker whether we are PAS follower or not, but
nowadays, MPP's candidate were recognised by HEP.....see! not even a MPP yet!!!.....during my time, we have to do all the things by ourselves,now faculty have their own favourite!!
yeah,thats not fair and not just!!!
he said" well, i'm one of the MPP!!!(talking with a full mouth eating pau!!!)
have you ever experience, learn a new thing which your head cannot consume that thing? try JURISPRUDENCE!!!
subject ni diajar oleh first tu, 2 topics earlier, ok lagi.....masuk 3rd chapter, natural law, kepala aku pening,konfius with a question...kenapalah jurist ni semua nak susah payah pikir benda2 macam ni....sakit kepala aku nak belajar....what is jurisprudence? according to dictionary of law by whiteley &mozley, jurisprudence is a science of law
.....ringkasnya,jurisprudence blajar pasal pendapat para jurist(like AUSTIN,HART,KELSEN,DWORKIN,ST.AUGUSTINE,CICERO,PLATO,REX etc) on question "what is law?"......
bla,bla.......nampak mcm mudah,tapi nak paham kan tu....berpinar mata!!!! inikan ilmu, belajar ajelah,doa banyak2...insyaallah,terang hati tu!!! ini yg akan seorang sahabat nasihat aku kalau aku mengadu aku payah nak paham
.....aku pernah tanya dia, kenapa benak sangat aku ni? katanya, bukan benak...tapi malas!!!tertampar rasanya dgn jawapan dia, tapi betul!!! katanya lagi, kalau org lain baca sekali dah faham, maybe kita kena baca 20 kali baru faham.....itu namanya rajin belajar!!!
lain orang lain degree of acception, itu yg sepatutnya aku kena faham dulu.....konsep rajin belajar.....
marilah kita semua rajin belajar, supaya kita semua cemelang final this sem......
posted by ayu at 9/29/2005, |