Come and go...Up and Down

Sunday, August 08, 2010
People, i'm losing my hair....rasanya sebab my stress kot....
oh dear, stress sgt ke aku ni? aku je lah kot yg tahu lagi paham....

But, I'll try my best to balance it and to chill somehow....

I believe stress is an instant and free motivation. hihi:) boleh plak cam tu ye?

People, if you notice my facebook status is so annoying or complaining this and that, please bear with me....If you don't have something nice to say, close your eyes and talk bad behind my back. Its ok, as long as its not before my ears...

Alhamdulillah, I had made a right choice to choose this proffession, a teacher.

Believe me, I'm happy and so blessed with this oppurtunity.

Quoting one of my friend's status on FB, "What is our goal for this coming Ramadhan? What do we want to achieve in this holy month? Its actually the month of Feeding (Sharul Ith'aam) where we are recommended to feed people, the needy, the yateem, the masaakin and not the month of Food (shahrut tha'aam)? Lets ponder upon this and let us all have an unforgettable Ramadhan this year Ameen!

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan, Marhaban....semoga Ramadhan kali ini adalah yang terbaik sepanjang Ramadhan yang pernah kita lalui. Kita berdoa semoga Allah beri kita kekuatan, istiqamah dalam mengerjakan ibadah sunat tarawih dan ibadah sunat yang lain.... Selalunya, aku la je kot; selalu rasa menyesal sebab tak dapat terawih penuh, tak dapat khatam quran dan tak dapat sedekah banyak2...huhu...aku je kot yg jahil cam tu...bila dah habis puasa akan rasa nak puasa lagi...untuk perbaiki amalan...If you think I'm talking big here, what can I say, eh?....Maaf kan segala kekhilafan aku yang lalu, sahabat-sahabat sekalian... Aku juga redho dengan kamu semua sahabat-sahabat. Ini bulan kemaafan, keberkatan dan mengumpul amal.

posted by ayu at 8/08/2010, |


stress yg menggerakkan kita kedepan , dan bg aku, stress yg menmbah berat badan aku jd hampir 56kg dh nih. hahaha

yup, moga ramadhan kalinih lebih baik dr ramadhan sebelum2nya ;)
  At 2:31 PM Blogger ayu said:
Thanx Wilda...ur comment amat meringankan beban di hati...